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Employment Form Entry Examples

Form Entries for Adam Sandler

What is the position your applicant is applying for for?

Editorial Assistant at Cooper Publishing Services

In a sentence or two describe your relationship with the applicant

When he interned with us at Bibliophile Publishing back in fall 2015, I saw him do some pretty impressive stuff. He’s got a knack for writing, he’s proactive, and he never misses a deadline. He quickly became an indispensable part of our team, and I have no doubt he’s going places in the publishing world.

Give some examples, with specific details, of your applicant’s on the job performance that really stood out.

Adam did a lot of cool things here, like digging into manuscripts, sprucing up promotional stuff, and making sure all the facts in our materials were straight. He’s got an eagle eye for spotting new talent, too. Thanks to him, we’re now working with a fresh author he discovered online. He’s also a whiz at editing and knows the Chicago Manual of Style like the back of his hand. He got several social science manuscripts prepped and polished for publication during his internship. Plus, he was quick to take the initiative, handling manuscript reviews and other tasks on his own before you knew it.

Give an example of how their behavior in the workplace benefited the whole team.

Adam is just a great guy to have around. He’s smart, engaging, and loves to chat about books and ideas. On day one, we hit it off talking about some of his favorite authors.

Describe any additional skills, character traits, or personal circumstances that might demonstrate what an asset your applicant would be in the position they’re applying for.


Form Entries for James Johnson

What is the position your applicant is applying for for?

Software sales at Streambase

In a sentence or two describe your relationship with the applicant

As James’s sole direct manager at Waretech, I’ve worked closely with him over the past three years, sharing the same open office space the majority of the time. James showed excellent communication skills and consistently exceeded company quotas. On a personal level, he’s charismatic and well-spoken, both qualities that have served him well in his role as software sales professional.

Give some examples, with specific details, of your applicant’s on the job performance that really stood out.

Last fall he added Voxacorp to our client list, a huge acquisition, and has been working closely with its IT department ever since. He explains our products clearly to customers and makes the most of technological avenues to gain new leads and customize his sales pitch to clients. During an early review, I observed him discuss in detail with a prospective client the specific ways that our software could boost the sales of her online bakery.

Give an example of how their behavior in the workplace benefited the whole team.

He’s always ready to lend a helping hand to his teammates and contributes during brainstorming sessions and meetings between the sales and marketing teams. Last month, James co-led an enlightening meeting on content marketing and account management. James is an active member of the Waretech team and supports his colleagues professionally and personally.

Describe any additional skills, character traits, or personal circumstances that might demonstrate what an asset your applicant would be in the position they’re applying for.

Due to his wife’s cross-country transfer, James is seeking employment out west. All of us at Waretech will be sad to see such a valuable employee go, but our loss is truly your gain.

Form Entries for Julia Jones

What is the position your applicant is applying for for?

Art teacher position at Cityville Middle School

In a sentence or two describe your relationship with the applicant

I’m the principal over at Townston Middle School, and Julia has been an amazing part of our team, teaching grades 6 through 8.

Give some examples, with specific details, of your applicant’s on the job performance that really stood out.

Julia jumped into teaching right after grad school and brought truckloads of energy, solid teaching smarts, and a passion for art history. She’s been a whirlwind of creativity here, launching cool projects like a self-portrait gig that got kids thinking about who they are, a clay stop-motion animation that was super fun, and even a papier-mache sled race that was a blast. Plus, she was pivotal in our “3D Printer Build-a-Thon,” which was a hit, assembling 20 3D printers with the community.

Give an example of how their behavior in the workplace benefited the whole team.

She’s big on feedback from her students, always asking how she can do better. That’s Julia – always aiming to be the best teacher for her students. Everyone loves Julia – students, parents, and coworkers. She’s got this creative, think-outside-the-box vibe that’s infectious. Awesome with managing her classroom and building respect all around.

Describe any additional skills, character traits, or personal circumstances that might demonstrate what an asset your applicant would be in the position they’re applying for.

I remember a parent telling me how much of a positive force she’s been for her kid. On top of all that, Julia’s an incredible artist herself, with her work featured in a local gallery.

Form Entries for Alex Jackson

What is the position your applicant is applying for for?

Customer Experience Team lead role at Lark Lenses

In a sentence or two describe your relationship with the applicant

As her boss in customer service for the past three years, I’ve had a front-row seat to her work ethic and skills. I’m totally convinced she’s up for this leadership challenge.

Give some examples, with specific details, of your applicant’s on the job performance that really stood out.

She’s got this incredible way of connecting with our customers, making them feel heard whether it’s online, on the phone, or face-to-face. Like this one time, she spent an hour on the phone supporting a customer going through tough times, who not only turned into a loyal shopper but also brought us new customers through referrals. After three years tackling various challenges, she’s got a solid grasp of the ins and outs of our operations and always finds ways to make things better. She’s currently piecing together a better way for the support and product teams to talk to each other, making sure valuable customer feedback reaches our designers directly.

Give an example of how their behavior in the workplace benefited the whole team.

Alex has naturally become the go-to person for advice and support in our team. Over the last year, she took it upon herself to mentor new hires, guiding them through their initial weeks and making sure they’re on the right track.

Describe any additional skills, character traits, or personal circumstances that might demonstrate what an asset your applicant would be in the position they’re applying for.

Alex has more than proven her worth in customer relationships and is ready to step up as a leader.

Product Enquiry